Core Concepts

Fundamental – and enduring - principles to build into all your change efforts

What Mistake Has Created More Ex-CEOs? ( Decision vs. Behavior-based Change)

Some of the most painful moments of my business career have been watching CEO’s attempt to drive change with one arm tied behind their back – or with one eye blindfolded, or both.

Architecting (Enterprise) Change

CEO’s need simple, proven and powerful ways of organizing their thinking and actions for orchestrating large-scale organizational change. Here are the basics…

Alignment: Essential Job Of Leadership

Creating alignment in an organization is one of the most under-emphasized aspects of leadership. 

What You Can Learn About Implementation (from 1940s Housewives in Iowa)

Every leader should know the seminal research on changing organization behavior known as the “Iowa Housewives Study.”  It’s been referenced by every generation of management theorists since.

Hidden Barriers: Predictable Patterns to Work Through

A leader working on a new strategy needs a way to bring order out of what can easily become a chaotic discussion. And, as important, needs to uncover the most fundamental issues that can risk derailing all the good efforts.


Three Levels of Change

Sometimes the most basic of questions can be the hardest.  But in this case that doesn’t need to be true.

As a former leader of McKinsey’s organizational change practice, and now as a COO, “how to manage change” remains one of the most frequently asked questions.  And, of course, hundreds of books and articles have been written on the subject.