Steve Dichter

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I have dedicated my career – as leader, consultant, speaker, coach – to understanding the realities of managing large scale organizational change and what it takes to lead it successfully.  

I was with McKinsey from 1978 to 1998, and in the later years was leader and founder of the McKinsey Change Center. At McKinsey I worked with close to one hundred companies and developed a clear view on what distinguishes real progress from the “dull twilight that knows neither victory or defeat.” (Note few efforts are complete, resounding successes; though, unfortunately, many are clear failures.)  

I also co-wrote “Real Change Leaders” (in 1995)  that made the case for a “new breed of middle managers to connect CEO aspirations with front-line realities.”   (In today’s lingo, these would be “agile coaches.”)

Since 2000, I have been in C-level positons for institutions of all shapes and sizes – but all facing significant “performance through people” challenges and the need for major change in strategy, skills, capabilities, culture, processes.  You name it.  

The common denominator?   A belief – born of research and experience – that most organizations need to evolve (transform!) to do their best at serving their customers and employees.   And a deep respect for the realities and complexities of managing change and the leaders role in orchestrating the changes. 

So thanks for checking in!