Change Resources

To save you time, here are some of my favorite go-to resources for managing change

(Not necessarily the latest; just the best. Avoiding “old wine in new bottles..”)


Organization of the 90’s

(1992 article) Summarizes the limits of “Command & Control” philosophy and the emergence of a more flexible, customer-focused organizational form. What Steve later called the “Engaged and Empowered” organization which is very much aligned with what is now called “agile.”


Leading Organizational Transformations

(1993 article) Provides leaders with a simple framework for organizing and aligning their change efforts.


Real Change Leaders

(1996 Book).  CEO’s alone cannot drive transformational change.  They need to create and partner with a new breed of managers, which we call Real Change Leaders, to achieve their aspirations.    

Paperback Edition

The Discipline of Teams

Everyone talks about teamwork but where and how can you create teams for maximum impact? A powerful 5 point definition to “real teams” to focus team development and performance.

How to have an honest conversation about your business strategy

(2004 article). Outlines a powerful process for leaders to clarify strategic direction, engage the broader organization in feedback, and accelerate execution.

Demand better results and get them

(1991 HBR article). How to structure and empower teams to achieve quick/small wins that can support a broader transformation effort.  AKA “Break-through Projects.”